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What the Wix?? November 2024 Edition: Drag-and-Drop Media, New Build Log & Accessibility Upgrades

Writer: The Wix WizThe Wix Wiz

Welcome to "What the Wix??" where we bring you the latest and greatest news, updates, tips and tricks for the Wix Ecosystem.

How it works -

There are 5 sections in each edition covering gradually more complex topics.

  1. No Code - Things that require no coding knowledge.

  2. Low Code - May require a few lines of code or CMS finesse.

  3. Code Mode - for Velo developers.

  4. Soo Code - for outer ecosystem developers such as Wix Apps, REST API's etc.

  5. Wow Code - totally meta topics about Wix Engineering.

Before you forget - don't forget to turn on notifications for our upcoming livestream! We will be celebrating 7000 channel subs with an interactive workshop (beyond our regular Q&A).

Youtube livestream - Let's build custom product reviews for Wix Stores

No Code

Drag-and-Drop Media

You can now drag and drop Media directly into the Wix Studio editor! No more navigating to media, upload, add to page blah blah blah...

Just drag the media directly from a folder onto the canvas and Wix will upload it to the media manager behind the scenes. (You may still want to clean up shop and put it in a folder later to keep things organized😉)

Low Code

Be a Part of the Compiling Journey

Wix has added some more visibility to the code compilation that happens when you Publish your site. This is relevant if you have added any custom code including Velo, Custom Elements, NPM packages etc.

If you have any errors in your code (compilation errors) you will see a popup like this:

Example of errors in build warning in Wix Studio

If you click to open the build log a file will open in the Editor IDE that looks like this:

Example of build log in Wix Studio

From it you can discern what the error was and if you want to go ahead with publishing the site or not.

It's important to note that not in every case are the errors critical or even real. For example the screenshot above is from a Custom Element that loads an external script which contains a class not explicitly declared in the element code. (Easter egg from the Advanced Velo course 👀🥚)

Code Mode

New Accessibility Features - .accessibility and .tabIndex

Wix has introduced new accessibility related properties for some elements. These properties (when used correctly) can make your site more accessible for people using screen readers or other assistive devices.

  1. ARIA Attributes - these attributes describe an elements state or capabilities such as: aria-hidden, aria-label etc. The attributes that can be edited vary between elements and they can be set in the editor or via Velo code.

  2. Tab Index - this indicates whether an element can be "tabbed" to using the tab key as a mode of navigation between the sites interactive elements (for example if you can't use a mouse). Out of the box elements like inputs and buttons can be tabbed to by default but the .tabIndex property allows the inclusion of other elements as well.

    It seems from the docs that this currently a yes/no property (I won't say boolean because it is set with an integer 🤔) and doesn't allow you to control the order of tabbed elements.

    Screenshot of tabIndex documentation from Wix Velo reference

Soo Code

New Test Flow in Wix Blocks

Say goodbye to test versions in Wix Blocks, say hello to singular testing flow.

In the past to test a Block you would need to create a test version by going to "Build" and then choosing the "Create a test version/build" (as opposed to Major or Minor). Now testing is part of the "Preview" flow.

New test suite in Wix Blocks

When you click on the all seeing eye, in addition to the usual "Review in Blocks" option you will see a new "Test in Editor" option. This will allow you to either select an editor to install the Block on, or if you already have the test version installed on a site it will update it there. (You should see some notifications indicating this)

If you need to roll back your app or just are a history buff - you can navigate to App History via the main Menu (upper right).

App history in Wix Blocks

Similar to Site History you can browse versions that were saved or published (Built in Block lingo) and restore if necessary.

Wow Code

I don't have much to share in the Wow Code section this month but I would like to introduce an idea for a new section - community member highlight!

Yes, we would like to feature you and your project.

If you are interested please send us an email to with some details about you, your project and which Wix Wiz videos you used to guide you along the way.

It's a wrap!

Thanks for reading! If you are thirsty for more, you can join us for the What the Wix?? Livestream next week where we will be chatting about these updates and taking questions from the community.

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If you found any mistakes in this article or want to share suggestions for the next edition, please don't hesitate to reach out to




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