I have a mix of paid members and non-paid members and certain content is stricty for paid members only. However, the Blog notifications will only allow a global notification to all and not to a select group (ie Paid Members) . So Non-Paid members get notified of content they are not meant to see.
In the notification set-up, there are conditions for when a notification triggers and in the drop down values it has "Member Status" so I should be able to set "if Member Status eq 1" or whatever the numerical status of paid is?
So my question(s) really is, where are the values of Member Status set and is there a better way to eliminate non-paid members from paid members before triggering the notification?
Hi Alan,
Thanks for your question!
Based on what you have described, it sounds like "Member Status" is whether they are a member of your site or not (and not their paid membership status).
Since the blogs API is rather sparce, I would probably handle this by turning off notifications for the blog and handling it via triggered emails sent to plan holders.
Hope that helps.