Hello Eitan,
Want to give you a shout out and say you have an awesome YouTube channel! Helped me resolve issues several times. Thank you!
I am having a problem querying the Contacts collection. Basically, I created two custom fields called 'Group Name' and 'Allow Text Messages'. All I want to do is query the contacts collection and return the associated phone number for each item returned where the Group Name is a parameter to the function ("something like Communications would be the value") and the Allow Text Messages value can be hard-coded in the function like const allowTextMessages= "YES".
I could query the contacts using the default values as a parameter but I cannot figure out how to use the custom fields or extended fields.
ChatGPT just keeps send me hulicinations and it get worse each try.
Thank you for your help. Hope those sirens in NY aren't keeping you up at night.....
David Washington
Hi David,
Thanks so much for supporting the channel!
I'm sorry I couldn't help you with this one but I'm happy you figured it out. Thanks for sharing the answer!
(This often happens to me too - sometimes putting the problem in words gets the creative juices flowing)
I think the custom fields are a common challenge, so chances are you'll see a tutorial on this topic soon!